Thursday, November 10, 2005

In the beginning...

For my first post, I’d like to comment on the state of overachievement in this country… I believe it to be Washington State, but that’s just me…

I recently (three days ago) quit a job I’d held for 2 months.  It was my dream job, I thought, and a position I really wanted.  I was a reporter for my town newspaper.

When my youngest child started kindergarten this year, my days as a stay-at-home-mom were numbered.  Society today - and my husband and his family - dictates that all women should work outside of the home.  I barely hung onto being a SAHM through years of child rearing; when my daughter went to school in August, I knew I was going to have to get a job.

I am a reluctant writer.  I love to write, but never thought I could make money at it.  Still, I had everyone breathing down my neck to get a job, so I assessed my skills.  I am a good speller and I have a way of stringing a sentence together, so I decided to run by the local newspaper and see if they needed a proofreader; then I was going to try Walmart.  Surprisingly, the paper snapped me up.  Woo-Hoo…

The honeymoon lasted a few weeks.  I began running stories and making contacts.  I fell in love with the sheriff’s guys, the firemen, and the local cops.  I quickly learned how NOT to approach a law enforcement officer at work, never to wear flip-flops to a brushfire, and got a crash course in politics.  I was getting published every week and getting paid to write.  Triple Woo-Hoo…

Then, a cloud darkened my happy horizon.  My editor quit.  A new editor came in town, and she was … not my favorite.

I have to feed my kids now.   To be continued…


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