Sunday, November 13, 2005

Crying over spilt chocolate milk

You know, there comes a time in every person’s life when a mirror the size of Alaska gets held up in front of us.  The lighting is bright and unflattering, there is nothing to hide behind, there’s no makeup or clothes, and there is no escape from an honest, barebones look at who we really are.  It is never pretty.  It can be painful.  And, hopefully it happens enough for us to get the spinach out from between our teeth.  But it is unavoidable.

My mirror came today at the end of a long, self-absorbed road.  I hurt a good friend, and was oblivious to it when it happened.  I was so busy thinking about myself that I didn’t consider for an instant how my actions would affect her, or anyone else, for that matter.  

And now, I can’t fix it.  I can’t get the egg back in the shell.  All I’m left with is me, the mirror and remorse.

What do you do with that?

Live and learn.  I hate that expression.  I want to curl up and go to sleep for awhile.  It’s hard for me to venture out anyway, but when I do and then screw up, it just sends me scurrying back to my hole.

I’ll always have Walmart… maybe there’s one hiring in Alaska.


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