Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Top 10 things I learned from my first car chase/manhunt:

  1. Law enforcement officials can be a little jittery after chasing a car at speeds of up to 110 mph on Hwy. 59.

  2. Always follow your instincts when deciding whether to take a shot (as in ‘photo’) at the guy they already arrested, or waiting ‘til they find his fugitive buddy.

  3. Go ahead and take the picture of the guys with the dogs – you may not get a better photo op.

  4. Keep a safe distance away from the guys with the dogs.

  5. According to law enforcement officials, if you are not going to leave the area like they want you to, keep the car doors locked, the engine running, and one foot on the gas pedal when there is a fugitive buddy in the area who is possibly armed.

  6. Stick to the areas with the most law enforcement officials.

  7. Don’t listen to Channel 13 cameramen.  You probably won’t get shot (as in ‘gunshot’) when there is a fugitive buddy in the area who is possibly be armed.

  8. Ok, listen to Channel 13 cameramen when they’re hanging around with the cops waiting to hear what happened.

  9. Once you have left a hot scene with lots of action because of listening to Channel 13 cameramen, you can never go back.  The moment is gone.

  10. Fugitive buddies don’t always get caught.


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