Monday, April 02, 2007

But I'm really good at playing Risk

There is a quality some people have that I want to hone for myself. It's called taking action.

(All of you who know me may stop nodding your heads now.)

I envy the person who can think up an idea and immediately act upon it. They conceive something and the next day it's done. What is up with that? The thought of it is as foreign to me as a rainbow is to someone who's never been able to see.

Caution has always been my strength and my downfall. I have to think things through, backwards, forwards, inside and out. Ideas must be researched, figured from every angle, all obstacles foreseen and rooted out.

Which means while everyone else has passed the finish line, gotten their awards, and are enjoying dinner and drinks with friends afterwards, I'm still standing at the start gate working out my strategy.

A good friend of mine is one of those "take action" people. If we're discussing something and the subject of 16th century tapestries comes up, he's on the computer and before you can say "Google" he's got all the information one could ever have, want, or need on the subject. I made a simple suggestion one day about an idea for a book or a seminar series I thought he would be good at, and by the next day he had the first two chapters fleshed out and the rest in the works.

I am determined to become more like that. As soon as I finish thinking... and reading... and filing my toenails.


Blogger Cat said...

But you know, its always better safe than sorry right? So every strategy you come up with works out to your advantage. That means your end result is usually oustanding. I've heard you come up with some really good ideas before and if they ever take flight, we can say we knew her when...........

3:43 PM  
Blogger elysabeth said...


If you do all that planning and thinking and stuff, what do you have to show for it. I'm the queen of research and miss it when my friends are so busy planning out their novels that I don't have anything to look up for them. (I guess I'm like your friend - lol) - but needless - if you just get in there and do it - the rewards are wonderful - I know - because that's how my friends have encouraged me to do my writing - just do it and then you have a finished piece and something to be proud of -

So just go for it and let those ideas flow and get them down on paper and watch out - you may have the next best selling novel - go for it - just do it - E :)

10:28 PM  

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