Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hero is a four-letter word

I had a great Christmas and a very sick husband for a few days. I wish I had something insightful to say about all of that, but insightfulness has left the building.

Tomorrow starts a new work week. My kids are home and I wish I could stay home with them. (And the aforementioned recovering husband.)

But I can't.

Apparently, there are people in the world who need me to ask if they need help finding anything and to ring up their purchases.

Yay me.


Blogger elysabeth said...

Awww sorry your husband got sick during the holiday time (not fun, I've been there - had pneumonia diagnosed two days before Christmas a few years ago and still had to persevere with everything else). Hope you don't get sick too. Glad to see you posting on your blog - E :)

11:26 AM  

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