Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So, today I went swimming with Savannah. We dove after rings and played Marco Polo and floated and did underwater handstands.

It was a nice break.

For a little while, I didn't think about unemployment or going back to school or what the heck I'm going to do.

Just a little while.


Anonymous Megan Rhodes said...

I never knew that you could write so, so AMAZINGLY. I love reading, and writing. When I read I want it to mean something, and some people's writing can't keep my interest. But I'm there for some of the things you write about, but I loved reading what happened from your perspective. Your writing interests me, and honestly that's a hard thing to do that sounds cliche but it's true. You can keep my interest really well, and I like that.

1:24 AM  

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