Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day by day

My routine is kind of settling down into getting everybody off to school, laundry, breakfast, computer time, Food Network, lunch, dogs, more computer time and waiting for my family to get home. I'm trying to get as much reading and research done as I can now because, hopefully, I'll be substituting soon so my alone time will be coming to an end.

My love affair with the Food Channel is still in full bloom. Unfortunately, this has happened after my kids have developed a taste for frozen convenience foods and junk, so their palates are not digging my new penchant for fresh herbs and made-from-scratch recipes. If I could turn back time, I'd have loaded up my little darlings with fresh food from the start. As it is, I have to stoop to subterfuge with a little help from my food processor. What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen!


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