Monday, February 04, 2008

Splitting hairs

I got a haircut this evening.

I usually get a highlight and trim about every three months or so, but this time it's been since August. With everything going on, I haven't had the time or money.

I sat in the chair as the stylist tried to comb out the dry, damaged mess. I thought about the clothes I tried on earlier that looked like crap. And I thought about how thin and straggly my hair had been looking lately. And about how my first magazine was coming out tonight and all the chances I'd been taking lately. Wouldn't it be nice to make sales calls this week with a nice, new, sleek haircut? Something that didn't take so long to fix and looked more stylish?

I took a deep breath and told the hair lady to cut it off. She looked relieved not to have to try to detangle my frizz, and started to cut. It's now in a bob about an inch below my ears.

Ah, the freedom! It felt so light, it looked so much healthier.

I pulled into the driveway at home and met an excited Savannah at the door. She had just gotten her hair cut into a bob last weekend, so she was thrilled that she and I had the same style. The other kids were surprised but seemed to think it was pretty cool. My box of magazines was sitting on the bar - what a night! I got my new magazines, a great new look, and the weight of the world seemed to have been cut away with the weight of my tangled, impossible old hair.

Then my boyfriend came over.

Between sighs of disappointed resignation, and lots of "I'm just not used to it," came the mortal blow.

He said I look like a soccer mom.


Blogger Master of My Own Small Universe said...

But what you don't understand is that soccer moms are SEXY!!

See, that's the difference between men and women, it's the way we look at things.

Now if I'd said you looked like a PTA mom....

9:58 AM  
Blogger elysabeth said...

I was going to say - go soccer mom - lol - and hummm a PTA mom - most of the ones I know are far from sexy looking.

Isn't it nice to just feel so much weight off your shoulders with just a simple fix - a hair cut - I love it and it's time for me to get mine done - but alas no money either - first thing I do when I can is get my teeth taken care of - since I will need to be smiling more often now that I have a contract -lol - see you all in the postings - E :)

10:38 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Now come on, where's the picture so we can see it?!?!! I'll bet it looks great!!

4:31 PM  

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